The Service

Professional and easy

Do you also know the stories of pink software heaven? … Everything runs perfectly, everyone is happy, nothing ever goes wrong, updates run automatically and error-free. If you want to read another one of these, you’ve come to the wrong place. We certainly do everything we can every day to give you and your users the best possible result. If not, that would be sad. But we’re not superhumans, superheroes or anything like that. We are human, we make mistakes … albeit rarely. But when we do, we own up to it and do everything we can to help you. That’s why customer service is not a chore for us, but the pinnacle of our daily work.

Team bei der Zusammenarbeit

Knowledge Base & FAQ

You are rarely the first person to have a problem with a particular function or to have a specific question. Or you are completely new to the world of halion products and don’t know where to start asking questions. We have prepared something for you that will certainly help you over the first hurdles.

Customer Helpdesk

And if not, we are available by phone and e-mail between 8:00am and 5:00pm. But sometimes that little bit more information and less effort makes all the difference. That’s why you can register as a customer in the Service Portal and have direct contact with our support specialists there and keep an eye on your service requests.

When time matters

But we also know that sometimes things have to happen really quickly because, for whatever reason, nothing works at all. Or because a question can’t wait. Our support chat is there for just such cases or for a quick question to the specialists. It really couldn’t be quicker or easier.

Get in touch with us

Do you have questions or are you interested in the setup on your system? Contact us and we will be happy to advise you personally.

+49 681 93513-0
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